Digital Delay Generator | Laser Pulse-Picker | 200 MHz Bandwidth Delay Generator for Ultra-Fast Laser Timing & Synchronization
$1795.00 Ships: Request a Quote for Current Ship Date | Model TOMBAK
Key Features
- Optimized for Laser Pulse-Picking, Timing & Control Systems
- USB Interface with Control Software
- Offered by AeroDIODE, a Laser Lab Source Marketplace Seller
- Sold & Supported in North America by: Laser Lab Source
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PRICE | $1795.00 |
Pulse Delay Generator Output (SMA connector) | |
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General Specifications | |
Product Overview:
TOMBAK Digital Delay Generator | Laser Pulse Picker
These laser pulse pickers are precision, multi-functional synchronization modules for timing control of lasers and electronic systems. The TOMBAK enables the user to consolidate multiple functions into one affordable compact device. They can be used as an ultra-fast laser pulse-picker, a stand-alone laser diode pulse driver, or as a pulse delay generator for digital synchronization of laser timing systems. This unit is an ideal choice for generating high frequency pulses, delays and bursts in laser timing and control applications. These units can be used as a stand-alone laboratory testing product or for OEM integration into your product. Applications of these pulse delay generators include component testing, laser timing control, laser pulse-picking and laser diode pulsing.
The TOMBAK series modules provide precise delays for synchronizing, triggering and delaying precisely timed events. These modules deliver less than 80 picoseconds of RMS jitter and are used in applications that require processes and controls based on precision electronic timing. A 150 MHz voltage level converter and 20 MHz standalone generator with a USB interface are backed by a two year standard product warranty. With its adjustable threshold detection level, THE TOMBAK pulse delay generator can detect weak signal levels coming from a photodiode. The GUI software lets the user have total control of all module functions. It includes several libraries for software integration (LabVIEW VIs, DLLs, Hexa, Python etc.)
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